One Pipeline for Several Repositories: Different Templates for Different Projects
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One Pipeline for Several Repositories: Different Templates for Different Projects

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Imagine having multiple repositories, each with its unique requirements and settings. Managing pipelines for each repository can be a daunting task, especially when you have to create separate pipelines for each project. But what if I told you there’s a way to create one pipeline that can handle multiple repositories, each with its own template? Sounds like a dream come true, right? In this article, we’ll explore how to create a single pipeline that can cater to multiple repositories, using different templates for different projects.

Why Do We Need This?

Having separate pipelines for each repository can lead to:

  • Duplicate efforts: You’ll need to create and maintain multiple pipelines, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Inconsistencies: With multiple pipelines, it’s easy to introduce inconsistencies in your workflow, which can affect the quality of your projects.
  • Inefficiency: Managing multiple pipelines can become cumbersome, leading to inefficiencies in your workflow.

By creating one pipeline that can handle multiple repositories, you can:

  • Reduce duplicate efforts: You can create a single pipeline that can be used across multiple repositories.
  • Ensure consistency: A single pipeline ensures consistency in your workflow, reducing errors and inconsistencies.
  • Increase efficiency: Managing a single pipeline is more efficient than managing multiple pipelines.

Setting Up the Pipeline

To create a single pipeline that can handle multiple repositories, you’ll need to use a YAML file to define your pipeline. YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a human-readable serialization format that’s widely used in pipeline configurations.

# File: pipeline.yml
  - build
  - deploy


  stage: build
    - echo "Building $REPO_NAME"
    - # Build commands go here

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying $REPO_NAME"
    - # Deploy commands go here

In this example, we’ve defined a pipeline with two stages: build and deploy. We’ve also defined a variable `REPO_NAME` that uses the `CI_PROJECT_NAME` environment variable, which is automatically set by the CI/CD tool.

Using Templates for Different Projects

To use different templates for different projects, you can create separate YAML files for each project and include them in your main pipeline YAML file using the `include` keyword.

# File: pipeline.yml
  - build
  - deploy


  - project-a.yml
  - project-b.yml
  - project-c.yml

  stage: build
    - echo "Building $REPO_NAME"
    - # Build commands go here

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying $REPO_NAME"
    - # Deploy commands go here

In this example, we’ve included three separate YAML files: `project-a.yml`, `project-b.yml`, and `project-c.yml`. Each file contains specific configuration for each project.

Project-A YAML File

# File: project-a.yml
  image: node:14
    - npm install
    - npm run build
    - npm run deploy

Project-B YAML File

# File: project-b.yml
  image: python:3.9
    - pip install -r requirements.txt
    - python
    - python

Project-C YAML File

# File: project-c.yml
  image: ruby:2.7
    - gem install bundler
    - bundle install
    - bundle exec rake deploy

Each YAML file contains specific configuration for each project, including the image, script, and environment variables. By including these files in your main pipeline YAML file, you can use different templates for different projects.

Using Conditional Statements

To make your pipeline more flexible, you can use conditional statements to execute specific commands based on the repository name or other conditions.

# File: pipeline.yml
  - build
  - deploy


  stage: build
    - if [ "$REPO_NAME" == "project-a" ]; then
        npm install
        npm run build
      elif [ "$REPO_NAME" == "project-b" ]; then
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        gem install bundler
        bundle install
        bundle exec rake deploy

In this example, we’ve used an `if-elif-else` statement to execute specific commands based on the repository name.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Using one pipeline for multiple repositories with different templates for each project offers several benefits and drawbacks.

Benefits Description
Reduced maintenance efforts You only need to maintain a single pipeline, reducing the effort required to manage multiple pipelines.
Improved consistency A single pipeline ensures consistency in your workflow, reducing errors and inconsistencies.
Increased efficiency Managing a single pipeline is more efficient than managing multiple pipelines.
Faster deployment With a single pipeline, you can deploy your projects faster, as you don’t need to wait for multiple pipelines to complete.
Drawbacks Description
Complexity A single pipeline with multiple templates can become complex, making it harder to manage and maintain.
Limited customization Using a single pipeline for multiple repositories may limit your ability to customize the pipeline for each project.
Debugging challenges Debugging issues in a single pipeline with multiple templates can be challenging, especially if the issues are project-specific.


In this article, we’ve explored how to create a single pipeline that can handle multiple repositories, each with its own template. By using YAML files, conditional statements, and includes, you can create a flexible pipeline that can cater to different projects. While there are benefits to using a single pipeline, it’s essential to consider the drawbacks and weigh the pros and cons before implementing this approach.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can simplify your pipeline management and reduce the effort required to maintain multiple pipelines. Remember to keep your pipeline flexible and adaptable to changing project requirements, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Happy piping!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “One pipeline for several repositories, different templates for different projects”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about using one pipeline for multiple repositories with different templates for different projects!

Can I use a single pipeline for multiple repositories?

Absolutely! With a single pipeline, you can manage multiple repositories, each with its own unique requirements and templates. This approach streamlines your workflow and reduces the complexity of maintaining multiple pipelines.

How do I specify different templates for different projects?

You can specify different templates for each project by using variables and conditional statements in your pipeline configuration. For example, you can use if-else statements to determine which template to use based on the repository name or project type.

Will using a single pipeline affect the performance of my repositories?

Not at all! Using a single pipeline for multiple repositories won’t impact their performance. Each repository will still operate independently, and the pipeline will simply serve as a centralized workflow management system.

Can I reuse templates across multiple projects?

Yes, you can definitely reuse templates across multiple projects! By modularizing your templates and using variables, you can create a library of reusable templates that can be applied to different projects with minimal modifications.

How do I manage updates and changes to my pipeline and templates?

To manage updates and changes, we recommend version controlling your pipeline and templates using Git or other version control systems. This way, you can track changes, collaborate with team members, and roll back to previous versions if needed.