High Availability with Leader Election in OpenShift Deployments (using Node.js)
Image by Deangela - hkhazo.biz.id

High Availability with Leader Election in OpenShift Deployments (using Node.js)

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When building a scalable and highly available application, one of the most crucial aspects to consider is ensuring that your application can withstand failures and continue to function seamlessly. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve high availability with leader election in OpenShift deployments using Node.js.

What is Leader Election?

Leader election is a technique used to ensure that only one instance of an application is active and responsible for performing critical tasks. In a distributed system, this means that only one node is designated as the leader, and all other nodes are followers. The leader is responsible for making decisions and coordinating actions, while the followers replicate the leader’s state and can take over in case of a failure.

Why is High Availability Important?

High availability is critical in modern applications, as it ensures that users can access the application consistently and without interruptions. Here are some reasons why high availability is essential:

  • Improved user experience: With high availability, users can access the application 24/7, without worrying about downtime or errors.

  • Increased reliability: High availability ensures that the application can withstand failures and continue to function, even in the event of hardware or software failures.

  • Reduced downtime: With high availability, downtime is minimized, reducing the impact on business operations and revenue.

  • Enhanced scalability: High availability enables applications to scale horizontally, adding more nodes as needed to handle increased traffic and demand.

OpenShift and Node.js

OpenShift is a container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of applications. Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime used for building scalable and high-performance applications. In this article, we’ll focus on using Node.js in OpenShift deployments to achieve high availability with leader election.

Implementing Leader Election with Node.js in OpenShift

To implement leader election with Node.js in OpenShift, we’ll use the following components:

  • Etcd: A distributed key-value store used for storing and managing configuration data.

  • Node.js: The JavaScript runtime used for building the application.

  • OpenShift: The container orchestration platform used for deploying and managing the application.

Step 1: Create an Etcd Cluster

First, we need to create an Etcd cluster that will store the leader election data. You can create an Etcd cluster using the OpenShift web console or the command line.

oc new-project etcd-cluster
oc new-app etcd-operator
oc rollout latest etcd-operator

Step 2: Create a Node.js Application

Next, we’ll create a simple Node.js application that will participate in the leader election. Create a new file called `app.js` with the following code:

const etcd = require('etcd3');

const client = new etcd();

async function start() {
  try {
    await client.put({
      key: 'leader',
      value: ' candidate',
    console.log('I am a candidate!');
  } catch (err) {


Step 3: Deploy the Node.js Application to OpenShift

Now, we’ll deploy the Node.js application to OpenShift using the following command:

oc new-app nodejs:14 app.js

Step 4: Configure the Leader Election

To configure the leader election, we’ll create a ConfigMap that defines the leader election settings:

oc create configmap leader-election --from-literal=ETCD_URL=http://etcd-cluster-etcd-client.etcd-cluster.svc.cluster.local:2379

Step 5: Implement the Leader Election Logic

Finally, we’ll implement the leader election logic using the following code:

const etcd = require('etcd3');
const client = new etcd();

async function becomeLeader() {
  try {
    const leader = await client.get({
      key: 'leader',
    if (leader.kvs.length === 0) {
      await client.put({
        key: 'leader',
        value: 'leader',
      console.log('I am the leader!');
    } else {
      console.log('There is already a leader!');
  } catch (err) {


How it Works

Here’s how the leader election works:

  1. The Node.js application starts and tries to become the leader by writing its name to the Etcd key-value store.

  2. If no leader exists, the application becomes the leader and writes its name to the Etcd store.

  3. If a leader already exists, the application becomes a follower and waits for the leader to fail or step down.

  4. When the leader fails or steps down, the followers detect the absence of the leader and attempt to become the new leader.

Benefits of Leader Election in OpenShift Deployments

The leader election pattern provides several benefits in OpenShift deployments, including:

  • High availability: The leader election ensures that the application remains available even in the event of failures.

  • Fault tolerance: The application can tolerate failures and continue to function without interruption.

  • Scalability: The leader election enables horizontal scaling, adding more nodes as needed to handle increased traffic and demand.

  • Improved user experience: The leader election ensures that users can access the application consistently and without interruptions.


In this article, we’ve explored how to achieve high availability with leader election in OpenShift deployments using Node.js. By implementing the leader election pattern, you can ensure that your application remains available and scalable, even in the event of failures. With OpenShift and Node.js, you can build highly available and scalable applications that meet the demands of modern users.

Component Description
Etcd Distributed key-value store
Node.js JavaScript runtime
OpenShift Container orchestration platform

I hope this article has provided a comprehensive guide to implementing leader election in OpenShift deployments using Node.js. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!

Frequently Asked Question

high availability with leader election in openshift deployments using node.js can be a complex topic, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is High Availability in OpenShift Deployments?

High Availability in OpenShift deployments ensures that applications are always available and accessible, even in the event of node failures or network partitions. This is achieved through the use of replicas, self-healing, and leader election mechanisms.

How does Leader Election work in OpenShift Deployments?

Leader election in OpenShift deployments is a mechanism that ensures only one instance of an application is active at a time, even in a distributed environment. This is achieved through the use of a leader election algorithm, such as the Bully Algorithm or the Paxos Protocol, which elects a leader node and ensures that all other nodes follow its instructions.

What are the benefits of using Node.js in High Availability OpenShift Deployments?

Node.js is a popular choice for high availability OpenShift deployments due to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which enables fast and efficient processing of requests. Additionally, Node.js has a vast ecosystem of packages and libraries that make it easy to build and deploy scalable and resilient applications.

How does OpenShift provide High Availability for Node.js Applications?

OpenShift provides high availability for Node.js applications through its built-in features, such as self-healing deployments, horizontal pod autoscaling, and rolling updates. These features ensure that Node.js applications are always available and accessible, even in the event of node failures or network partitions.

Can I use other programming languages besides Node.js for High Availability OpenShift Deployments?

Yes, you can use other programming languages besides Node.js for high availability OpenShift deployments. OpenShift supports a wide range of programming languages, including Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP, making it a versatile platform for building and deploying scalable and resilient applications.