Demystifying Binding Redirects for ExcelDNA Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide
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Demystifying Binding Redirects for ExcelDNA Plugins: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you an ExcelDNA plugin developer struggling to understand how binding redirects work? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of binding redirects and unlock the secrets of seamless plugin integration.

What are Binding Redirects?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s start with the basics. Binding redirects are a crucial aspect of .NET framework that allows multiple versions of the same assembly to coexist within a single application. But why do we need them in the first place?

In the context of ExcelDNA plugins, binding redirects ensure that your plugin can communicate with different versions of the ExcelDNA runtime. Think of it as a translator that helps your plugin speak the language of the ExcelDNA runtime, regardless of its version.

How do Binding Redirects Currently Work for ExcelDNA Plugins?

To fully understand how binding redirects work for ExcelDNA plugins, we need to break down the process into its constituent parts.

Assembly Versions and AssemblyFileVersion

In the world of .NET, every assembly (DLL or EXE) has an AssemblyVersion and an AssemblyFileVersion. The AssemblyVersion is used to identify the assembly during compilation, while the AssemblyFileVersion is used to identify the assembly during runtime.

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>

In the context of ExcelDNA plugins, the AssemblyVersion is used to determine which version of the ExcelDNA runtime to load. The AssemblyFileVersion, on the other hand, is used to determine which version of the plugin to load.

Binding Redirects in App.Config

Now that we have a basic understanding of assembly versions, let’s talk about binding redirects. Binding redirects are configured in the App.Config file of your ExcelDNA plugin.

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="ExcelDna.Integration" publicKeyToken="..." culture="neutral"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

In this example, we’re redirecting any request for AssemblyVersion to AssemblyVersion This ensures that our plugin can communicate with any version of the ExcelDNA runtime between and

How ExcelDNA Uses Binding Redirects

When your ExcelDNA plugin is loaded, the ExcelDNA runtime uses the binding redirects to determine which version of the plugin to load. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  1. The ExcelDNA runtime loads the App.Config file of your plugin.
  2. The runtime checks the AssemblyVersion of the plugin against the AssemblyVersion specified in the binding redirect.
  3. If a match is found, the runtime loads the specified version of the plugin.
  4. If no match is found, the runtime throws an exception.

Best Practices for Binding Redirects in ExcelDNA Plugins

Now that we’ve covered the basics of binding redirects, let’s talk about some best practices to keep in mind when developing ExcelDNA plugins.

Use a Wildcard AssemblyVersion

Using a wildcard AssemblyVersion (e.g., in your binding redirect ensures that your plugin can communicate with multiple versions of the ExcelDNA runtime.

<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

Specify the Correct publicKeyToken

Make sure to specify the correct publicKeyToken in your assemblyIdentity element. The publicKeyToken is used to identify the assembly and ensure that the correct version is loaded.

<assemblyIdentity name="ExcelDna.Integration" publicKeyToken="..." culture="neutral"/>

Test Your Plugin with Different Versions of ExcelDNA

Test your plugin with different versions of the ExcelDNA runtime to ensure that the binding redirects are working correctly.

Common Issues with Binding Redirects in ExcelDNA Plugins

Despite your best efforts, you may still encounter issues with binding redirects in your ExcelDNA plugins. Here are some common issues to look out for:

Multiple Binding Redirects

If you have multiple binding redirects in your App.Config file, ensure that they don’t conflict with each other.

<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

Incorrect AssemblyVersion or AssemblyFileVersion

Double-check that your AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion are correct and match the versions specified in your binding redirect.

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>

Missing or Incorrect publicKeyToken

Ensure that the publicKeyToken in your assemblyIdentity element is correct and matches the publicKeyToken of the assembly.

<assemblyIdentity name="ExcelDna.Integration" publicKeyToken="..." culture="neutral"/>


In conclusion, binding redirects are a crucial aspect of developing ExcelDNA plugins. By understanding how binding redirects work and following best practices, you can ensure that your plugin communicates seamlessly with different versions of the ExcelDNA runtime.

Remember to test your plugin with different versions of ExcelDNA and keep an eye out for common issues such as multiple binding redirects, incorrect AssemblyVersion or AssemblyFileVersion, and missing or incorrect publicKeyToken.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re well on your way to mastering binding redirects and creating ExcelDNA plugins that just work.

Binding Redirect Tips Description
Use a wildcard AssemblyVersion Ensures that your plugin can communicate with multiple versions of the ExcelDNA runtime.
Specify the correct publicKeyToken Used to identify the assembly and ensure that the correct version is loaded.
Test your plugin with different versions of ExcelDNA Ensures that the binding redirects are working correctly.

We hope you found this guide informative and helpful. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how binding redirects work for ExcelDNA plugins!

What are binding redirects, and why do I need them for my ExcelDNA plugins?

Binding redirects are a way to redirect references to one version of an assembly to another version. For ExcelDNA plugins, binding redirects are necessary because ExcelDNA relies on specific versions of .NET assemblies, but your plugin might be built against different versions. By using binding redirects, you can ensure that your plugin works smoothly with ExcelDNA, even if there are version mismatches.

How do I configure binding redirects for my ExcelDNA plugin?

To configure binding redirects, you’ll need to add a `runtime` section to your `.dna` file. Inside this section, specify the `assemblyBinding` element, which contains the `dependentAssembly` elements for each assembly you want to redirect. For example, you can redirect `Newtonsoft.Json` from version to by adding the following code: ``.

Do I need to configure binding redirects for every single assembly used in my ExcelDNA plugin?

No, you don’t need to configure binding redirects for every assembly. Only configure redirects for assemblies that have version conflicts between your plugin and ExcelDNA. If an assembly has the same version in both your plugin and ExcelDNA, no redirect is needed. However, if you’re unsure, it’s always a good idea to verify the assembly versions and configure redirects accordingly to avoid potential issues.

Can I use binding redirects for assemblies that are not part of the .NET Framework?

Yes, you can use binding redirects for assemblies that are not part of the .NET Framework, as long as they are referenced by your ExcelDNA plugin. This includes third-party libraries, NuGet packages, or even custom assemblies created by your team. Just make sure to specify the correct assembly identity, including the public key token, culture, and version range, to ensure proper redirection.

How can I troubleshoot binding redirect issues in my ExcelDNA plugin?

To troubleshoot binding redirect issues, enable fusion logging by adding the following registry key: `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Fusion` with a DWORD value named `EnableLog` set to 1. This will log assembly binding information to the `C:\FusionLog` directory. Analyze the log files to identify the assembly binding errors and adjust your binding redirects accordingly.

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