Trying to Calculate a Value but Getting NaN All the Time? Don’t Panic! (App Script > Google Sheets)
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Trying to Calculate a Value but Getting NaN All the Time? Don’t Panic! (App Script > Google Sheets)

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The Frustrating NaN Conundrum

Are you tired of staring at a Google Sheet filled with NaN (Not a Number) values, wondering what in the world is going on? Rest assured, you’re not alone! Many App Script developers and Google Sheets enthusiasts have been down this road before. In this article, we’ll explore the common culprits behind NaN values, and provide step-by-step solutions to get your calculations back on track.

Before We Dive In…

Take a deep breath and let’s first understand what NaN means. In the context of Google Sheets and App Script, NaN indicates that a mathematical operation has resulted in an invalid or unreliable value. This can happen due to various reasons, which we’ll discuss later. For now, know that NaN is not an error per se, but rather a flag that something’s amiss.

Common Causes of NaN Values

Before we jump into fixes, let’s identify the usual suspects that lead to NaN values:

  • Blank or Empty Cells

    If your formula is referencing a blank or empty cell, it will result in NaN. Make sure to check for empty cells in your range or array.

  • Non-Numeric Values

    If your formula is trying to perform arithmetic operations on non-numeric values (like text or dates), it will yield NaN.

  • Division by Zero

    This one’s a no-brainer! Division by zero is undefined, resulting in NaN.

  • Infinity and -Infinity

    If your calculation involves infinity or negative infinity, it will result in NaN.

  • Invalid Syntax or Functions

    Syntax errors, incorrect function usage, or deprecated functions can all lead to NaN values.

  • Incompatible data types can cause NaN values. For example, trying to perform arithmetic operations on datetime values.

Troubleshooting and Solutions

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s get to the meat of the matter! Here are some step-by-step solutions to help you overcome NaN values:

1. Check for Blank or Empty Cells

function checkForBlanks(range) {
  var values = range.getValues();
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
    if (values[i][0] !== "") {
  return result;

In the above script, we're using a simple function to iterate through a range and push non-empty values to an array. This ensures that our calculation doesn't involve blank cells.

2. Validate Data Types and Perform Error Handling

function validateData-types(range) {
  var values = range.getValues();
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
    if (typeof values[i][0] === "number") {
    } else {
      Browser.msgBox("Error: Non-numeric value found!");
  return result;

In this example, we're checking if the cell value is a number using the `typeof` operator. If it's not a number, we're displaying an error message using the `Browser.msgBox` function.

3. Avoid Division by Zero

function safeDivision(dividend, divisor) {
  if (divisor === 0) {
    return "Cannot divide by zero!";
  } else {
    return dividend / divisor;

We're using a simple conditional statement to check if the divisor is zero before performing the division operation.

4. Handle Infinity and -Infinity

function handleInfinity(value) {
  if (value === Infinity || value === -Infinity) {
    return "Invalid operation: Infinity or -Infinity encountered!";
  } else {
    return value;

This script checks for infinity or negative infinity values and returns an error message if encountered.

5. Validate Functions and Syntax

Always ensure that your script is using valid syntax and functions. Check the official Google Apps Script documentation for the latest information on available functions and their usage.

Best Practices to Avoid NaN Values

To minimize the occurrence of NaN values, follow these best practices:

  1. Validate User Input

    Always validate user input to ensure it conforms to the expected data type and format.

  2. Use Error Handling Mechanisms

    Implement try-catch blocks or error handling functions to catch and handle errors effectively.

  3. Data Type Consistency

    Maintain data type consistency throughout your script to avoid incompatible operations.

  4. Test and Debug Thoroughly

    Test your script with various inputs and edge cases to identify and fix potential issues.

  5. Keep Your Script Up-to-Date

    Regularly update your script to ensure compatibility with the latest Google Apps Script features and bug fixes.


NaN values can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can overcome them. By understanding the common causes, implementing error handling mechanisms, and following best practices, you'll be well on your way to calculating values like a pro! Remember, NaN is not an error, but rather a signal to investigate and improve your script.

Common Cause of NaN Solution
Blank or Empty Cells Check for empty cells using a script or formula
Non-Numeric Values Validate data types using the `typeof` operator
Division by Zero Avoid division by zero using conditional statements
Infinity and -Infinity Handle infinity values using conditional statements
Invalid Syntax or Functions Validate functions and syntax using the official documentation

Remember, the key to avoiding NaN values is to be proactive and thorough in your approach. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you'll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex calculations with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck in a NaN-loop? We've got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and finally get the value you're looking for in Google Sheets using App Script!

Q1: Why am I getting NaN when trying to calculate a value in Google Sheets using App Script?

A1: Ah, the infamous NaN! It usually means "Not a Number", but in this case, it's more like "Not a valid input". Double-check your input values, formatting, and calculations. Make sure there are no blank cells, typos, or mismatched data types. Also, verify that your script is referencing the correct cells and ranges. A simple mistake can lead to a NaN result.

Q2: I've checked everything, but I'm still getting NaN. What's next?

A2: Time to get debugging! Use the built-in debugger in App Script or add some logging statements to identify the exact step where the calculation goes wrong. This will help you pinpoint the issue and fix it. You can also try breaking down complex calculations into smaller steps to isolate the problem.

Q3: Is there a specific function or syntax that's causing the issue?

A3: Ah, yes! Certain functions, like `isNaN()` or `parseFloat()`, can return NaN if the input is invalid. Also, be mindful of array formulas, as they can behave differently than regular formulas. Check if you're using the correct syntax and functions for your specific use case.

Q4: What if I'm using an add-on or a custom function, and it's causing the NaN issue?

A4: In that case, review the add-on's documentation or custom function code to ensure it's properly handling errors and edge cases. You might need to update the add-on or modify the custom function to handle specific scenarios that are causing the NaN result. If you're still stuck, try reaching out to the add-on developer or the community for support.

Q5: Is there a way to prevent NaN errors in the future?

A5: Absolutely! Develop good habits by always validating user input, using robust error handling, and testing your code thoroughly. Consider implementing defensive programming techniques, like input validation and sanity checks, to prevent NaN errors from occurring in the first place. By being proactive, you'll reduce the likelihood of running into NaN issues in the future.

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